BEGONIA, Orchid™ Soft Orange

Begonia Orchid is a spectacular series of cascading begonias with a pendulous teardrop habit, excellent branching and a multitude of medium-sized, fully-double flowers all summer long. Orchid Begonia Soft Orange have an ideal pot habit and beautiful salmon-orange coloured blooms – flowers opening light coral pink and later flushing with orange. They are perfect in large hanging baskets, mixed containers and window boxes.  This floriferous plant can reach lengths of four to five feet (1.2 – 1.5 meters) by the end of the summer. Best in partial shade, but it will also perform well in full shade. Heat and drought tolerant, versatile and beautiful.

Bloom TimeConstant colour all summer until first full frost.
Height8-12" (20-30 cm)
Width12-14" (30-36 cm)
Companion PlantCompatible with all Tried & True varieties, but looks especially good as a monoculture basket or planter.
WateringKeep soil consistently moist.
FeedingRegularly with a high nitrogen plant food.
PlantingWell-drained soil in shade to full sunlight.